📄️ Register a new account
Head over to the OpenQDA website at openqda.org.
📄️ Create your first project
Your work in OpenQDA is organized in projects.
📄️ Upload and prepare a text file
Great work on creating your first project! But that project is still empty. To change that, let's upload our first text file and prepare it for coding. To do so, switch to the "Preparation" tab. That's the second tab from the left on top of your screen.
📄️ Coding the text
By clicking the Lock and Code button at the document preparation or simply by clicking the Coding tab (the third one from the left) on the top of your screen you get to the Coding section.
📄️ Analysis
When you are done coding one or more of your documents, you might want to get some help interpreting what you coded or have a deeper look into your coded sections. To do your analysis, go to the Analysis tab section on the top right of the screen. At the moment, OpenQDA offers three different analysis options. You can choose them from the drop-down menu on the top right, and they are: