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Please carefully read the following page to understand the consequences when working with the managed OpenQDA at

Destructive actions

Several actions that cause a deletion (of Codes, Selections, Projects, Codebooks, Source etc.) are finite and permanent. There is no way to restore them after deleting, even not for administrators.

Be aware of this during your work when attempting to delete something.


There is no guarantee for a 24/7 availability of OpenQDA, due to several circumstances:

  • installation of updates or new releases
  • database migrations for backup (usually at night)
  • outages and events beyond our control

Stability and Validity

We are working constantly on improving OpenQDA. However, we can not provide you a legally binding guarantee for OpenQDA to work 100% valid and reliable. Take this into consideration and do all your QDA steps with care.

If you think you found parts of OpenQDA that do not work as expected or are subject of threat to your research, please do not hesitate to contact us!

Exclusion of Platform

Your account can be suspended or excluded at any times, especially if we detect inappropriate or illegal behavior, such as (among others):

  • attempts to penetrate the system, inject malicious data, gain access to the server, abuse known or unknown security vulnerabilities or destroy the system
  • upload any data or content, that is by its definition illegal within the European Union or the country where you currently reside in
  • upload data or content without the permission by the originator or persons involved but where such permission is explicitly required
  • attempts to share illegal content or copyrighted content for the purpose of distribution
  • mischievous behaviour, such as destruction of other people's work with the intent of harm
  • behavior that is against our code of conduct
  • please contact us if you want to report inappropriate or illegal behavior!