Register a new account
Head over to the OpenQDA website at You will see the default login screen. Below the login form you will have the option to create an account by clicking on "Create an account":
Fill out the registration form
Now fill out the register form with your name or pseudonym, your email and a secure password. Then confirm that you are not a robot (to your knowledge) and click the Register button.
💡 Tip: While currently it is only required that your password consists of a minimum of eight characters, we recommend using a mix of letters, numbers and special characters.
You might have notices the "Checking if yu are a human" section and wonder whether this is using a third-party tool with privacy implications. We are not sending data to third parties and the tool ( is a self-hosted, privacy aware alternative to commercial tools.
Verify your account
A verification email should have been sent to the email address you provided - please open it and click the link to verify your email address and complete the registration process. Please also check the spam/junk folders to make sure you received the email in time.
Now that you are verified, you can log into OpenQDA with your mail address and password and start using the software by either editing your profile or creating a new project for data analysis.