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Collaboration and Teams

Here, you can set up your project to work with others and manage those teams.

Create new team

Before you can invite others, you will have to create a new team by providing a team name.

create new team

Your account will automatically be associated as owner. Click on "Create new Team" to complete this step.

Add team members

In order to add new team members you must provide their email address associated with their OpenQDA account and click on "Add team member".

add team members


⚠️ For now all team members have the same permission on the project, including destructive actions. Proceed with caution and make this circumstance clear within your team! Future versions of OpenQDA may receive a fine-granular permissions system.

Manage team members

Currently, you can make a new team member to become the new project and team owner or remove the team member. Removing a team member does not delete the data they created or added, such as sources, codes or selections.

Making a team member the new owner might be necessary if you wish to delete your own account but want your team to continue to work on the project. manage team

Deleting the team

Deleting the team will remove all non-owners from the project, causing them no not access the project data anymore. Be aware of this fact, when making another person owner of the project.

Click on "Delete Team" to invoke the deletion prompt and enter the exact team name (case and white-space sensitive) in order to enable the "Delete" button.

delete team prompt